Wednesday 13 November 2013

Build a Motorized Surfboard


These plans are some of the strangest we've seen yet. They are for a surfboard-type craft coupled with a gas engine to cruise over the waves.
THERE'S something new in water-sports equipment — a motor-driven paddle board. It combines the common characteristics and seaworthiness of the surfboard and paddle board, but, more than that, it's power driven by a conventional outboard motor.
That's the new angle. Smooth, sweeping "hull" lines, crowned deck and low motor hatch make this the sleekest, trimmest little craft you ever looked at. Light enough to be easily launched by one person, it rides rough water like a cork.
The hull, or board, itself is constructed just like the nonpower jobs, except that it is 5Vi in. deep instead of the usual 3 in. or so on the conventional surfboard and paddle board. Deck and outboard plan views shown in Fig. 3 give the general over-all dimensions.
Note that the motor hatch is placed well forward, giving ample room for a tall man to lie full length aft of it. Controls consist of tiller and speed lever, and a clear plastic transom permits a view inside the "engine room" from the rear.
This, together with a midget headlight, could be lighted from a small storage battery for night cruising....
Build a Motor Board

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